

Kaori was born in Japan but spent most of her childhood in Singapore.

In 1993, she graduated from the Tama Art University in Tokyo and soon after started an apprenticeship in theatre and costume design working with a renowned costume designer.

In 1997 she worked as a curator, travelling extensively around Japan, discovering and mentoring new artists and organising exhibitions.

In 2001 she moved to London and enrolled in bookbinding classes with Midori Kunikara-Cockram at Jade Studio and later with Mark Cockram at Studio 5. Following this period, she undertook a MA in Printmaking at the Camberwell University of Art and graduated in 2005.

In 2006 she joined the Wyvern Bindery working for Mark Winstanley alongside taking private commissions for her design bindings. In 2020, partnering with two colleagues, Kaori took over the ownership of the Wyvern Bindery. In the same year she was elected a fellow of Designer Bookbinders.

Her works are shown in public collections such as the British Library and St Bride Foundation, as well as private collections in USA, Germany and UK.

side Exhibitions

Grants and Awards

2018 The Bookbinding Competition
- Emily Dickinson, Selected Poems: Second Prize for the Clothworkers’ Prize for the Open Choice Book
- George Herbert, Sundrie Pieces: Highly Commended by Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association
2017 DB International Competition
- The Tale of The Bamboo Cutter: Prize for Oxford University Students' Choice
2016 The Bookbinding Competition
- Vita Nuova: Second Prize for The Folio Society Prize for the Set Book
2015 The Bookbinding Competition
- The Texture of the Universe: First Prize for The Clothworkers’ Prize for Open Choice Book
- Princes and Castles: The J. Hewit & Sons Prize
- Nineteen Eighty-Four: Finishing Prize by St Bride Foundation
2013 The Bookbinding Competition
- The Romantics in Wales: The Ash Rare Books Lettering Award
2009 The Bookbinding Competition
- Through the Woods: The Mansfield Medal for Best Book in the Competition and First Prize (The Clothworkers’ Prize for Open Choice Book)
2008 The Bookbinding Competition
- A Book for Mediterranean Food: Second Prize (Folio Society Prize for the set book)
2007 The Bookbinding Competition
- Farmhouse Cookery: Second Prize (The Clothworkers' Prize for Open choice book)
- The Somme: The Judges' Award (Donated by Maggs Bros)
2006 The Bookbinding Competition
- Second Prize (Folio Society Prize for the set book)
2005 / 2006 Artist in residency, Intaglio Printmaker
2005 The Society of Bookbinders International Competition 2005
- Second prize: Cased Binding Category
2005 MA printmaking final show in Camberwell College of arts - Prize: Zenith Corporate Communications Ltd.
2003 The Bookbinding Competition 2003
- Prize: Highly Commended Certificates (sponsored by Designer Bookbinders)
1994 Year scholarship from the Ministry of Culture, Japan - Theatre mask Design and Production
side Exhibitions


2025 Bound Together: Modern British Bookbinding, Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery
2024 UNIQUE, The Benjamin Spademan Gallery, London UK
2024 COVERED・DISCOVERED, Craft Council Gallery, London UK
2021 London Craft Week, Maggs Bros Ltd.
2017 Collect 2017 by Crafts Council at Saatchi Gallery, London
2012 Brush Up your Shakespeare, The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2011 DBUK tour, Newcastle City Library. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne / Bodleian Library. Oxford / The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2011 DBUK tour, The Schneideman Gallery. London / Hull History Centre. Hull / Dean Clough Galleries. Halifax
2011 Africa Boards project, The Olympia Exhibition Centre. London
2010 The Bookbinding Competition 2010, The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2010 Designer Bookbinding, The Schneideman Gallery. London
2009 The Bookbinding Competition 2009, The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2009 Designer Bookbinders International Competition 2009, The Bodleian Library. Oxford / Boston Public Library. USA
2008 The Bookbinding Competition 2008, The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2007 The Bookbinding Competition 2007, The John Rylands Library. Manchester
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 Flow Gallery. London
2006 The Book binding Competition 2006, The British Library. London
2006 Hot off the press - Curwen & New Academy Gallery. London
2005 The bookbinding Competition 2005, The British Library. London
2005 Society of Bookbinders International Competition 2005, Central Library. Manchester / George Bayntuns. Bath (August) Barbican Library. London (September)
2005 PrintExchange Exhibition -EWHA Woman’s University. Seoul, South Korea
2005 Seoul international Book arts Fair, Coex Hall. Seoul, South Korea
2004 The Bookbinding Competition 2004, The British Library. London
2004 Print Exchange Exhibition -EWHA Woman’s University. Seoul, South Korea
2004 ‘Rendezvous’, Salon des Arts. London
2003 The Bookbinding Competition 2003, The British Library. London
2003 Japan & England Print exchange exhibition. Tokyo
2002 The Bookbinding Competition 2002, The British Library. London
KAORI MAKI Christie's International Real Estate Magazine
Christie's International
Real Estate Magazine (UK)
KAORI MAKI Yomiuri Press
Article in Japanese
Yomiuri Europe 2010 (Japan)


side Profile


2001年に渡英。製本家の國方コックラムみどり(Jade Bookbinding Studio) そして マーク・コックラム(Studio 5) に師事しながら 2005年にカンバーウェルカレッジオブアート(Camberwell College of Arts)の版画科修士課程を卒業。

2008年にロンドン中心部にある昔ながらの製本装丁店ワイバン・バインダリー(The Wyvern Bindery)にて製本家として働きながらブックコレクターからの美術工芸製本の制作も行う。モーリーカレッジ(Morley College)の製本教室や台湾へ出張講師としても活動。

数々の賞を受賞した中でも2009年にはDesignerBookbinders最優秀メダルを受賞。2020年にデザイナーブックバインダースの正会員になる。そして長年働いていたバインダリーの共同事業主としてWyvern Binderyを引き継ぐ。英国とアメリカそしてドイツにプライベートコレクション有。



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